

During the last market downturn, retirees who had all their assets in equities saw their nest egg shrink dramatically over a 12 month period. This is an absolute nightmare scenario for a retiree, and unfortunately, it was a reality for too many hard-working people.

Proper asset allocation is critical for a successful long-term financial strategy and it is especially important for retirees. 

As a general rule, it is unwise for a retired to have 100% of their assets in equities at any time. But figuring out what that percentage should be takes a lot of personal investigation into each person’s risk tolerance and investment objectives.

During retirement, income needs can become pressing. 

Can you generate sufficient income without drawing down on your principal? What is the best way to generate income without taking excessive risks?

A Investment Funds Advisor can help you figure out what level of risk is suitable for you.
Even the best captains have an entire crew to help them run the ship. Your Investment Funds Advisor can be your first mate, peering through the binoculars to scan the horizon for obstacles that can sink the ship.
Who will you choose to help you navigate the voyage of retirement?
Mutual Funds

Today there are thousands of mutual fund available across Canada. In order to assist our clients with creating quality portfolios, we use software to…


A Registered Retirement Income Fund is an investment plan, established in accordance with Government of Canada requirements, into which you….


Guaranteed Investment Certificates are issued in your name and can’t be sold except to the institution that issued them. You agree to keep the…


A Life Income Fund (LIF) is a retirement income plan using locked-in pension money and the owner of the LIF can control the investments held within…


A Tax-Free Savings Account is a registered savings account that allows taxpayers to earn investment income tax-free inside the account. Contributions to…


The Locked-In Retirement Account (LIRA) and Locked-In Retirement Savings Plan (LRSP) enable you, as an employee to maintain the tax-deferred…

Segregated Funds

Guaranteed Investment Funds (also known as “Segregated Funds” or “Individual Variable Insurance Contract”) are basically enhanced Mutual Funds. They…


Annuities are one of the simplest investment vehicles one could acquire. Simply put, when you establish an annuity, you are purchasing a lifetime income. Examples…


If you are just starting out, it’s easy to…

You get home from work, your spouse is…

Many people assume that estate planning is only for the…

During the last market downturn, retirees who…

Proper analysis is vital to ensure that you aren’t paying too…


Many people will offer you advice on which investments…

For most Canadians, retirement is a major financial goal that…

Many people assume that estate planning is only for the…

Investment tax planning is not just about writing the…

Careful portfolio analysis is necessary to ensure that…

Proper analysis is vital to ensure that you aren’t paying too…